Big Steaks

Day 10 on REVBig steak

The REV meal plan on Personal Trainer Food is about as vegetarian as you can get while still eating meat. There is actually a weird word for it (I love weird words): “flexitarian.” That just sounds like me, I am flexible from all the yoga I practice… Continue reading

Popcorn Farts & Potty Talk

Day 7 on REV

So today I have a case of the popcorn farts. In my opinion, they don’t smell– and I’m not about to take a poll to see who agrees with me. Pretty much everything about my digestion has changed, and I’m noticing it.

Around the office, I’m the one who others transfer calls about digestion, diarrhea and constipation to. I dunno why, and it’s not like I loooove talking about sh… Continue reading

Salt & Not So Skinny In My Jeans

REV Day 2
If I could put salt on salt I would.


This is what I have squirreled away in my desk. If you peeked in my pocket might find a few more too. Now, keep in mind that I have no underlying medical conditions, and I stay well-hydrated. My blood pressure is 90/60, and has even been measured lower than that (when they do it properly after I have been sitting a few minutes instead of slapping a cuff on the moment I jump up on the exam table).

Here’s the thing: you should NOT avoid salt when you lower your carbohydrate intake. Continue reading